Advice To Use To Control Pests In The Home
Almost every season makes way for new household pests that can affect your family's everyday activities. Common pests can range from simple ants, to things more sinister like rats and mice. The following article will help you take matters into your own hands and explain how you can perform your own forms of pest control! Do you find that you are battling ants in your home? Use a mix of borax and sugar to eradicate them. Sugar attracts them while the borax kills them. A quart jar containing a cup of sugar and a cup of borax will work. Poke holes on the lid and then sprinkle the areas where the ants are. Are you able to see through the bottom of your home's doors? If so, this means pests have an easy way to enter your home. In order to eliminate this issue, you need to fix the height of the door. You could also just add a weather strip seal to your doors. Seal off any cracks or openings in your home. Use a good caulking material and be thorough. Many times, these pla...